Start Spiele Nachrichten Devils Third: Itagaki äussert sich zu den schlechten Reviews

Devils Third: Itagaki äussert sich zu den schlechten Reviews



Das Devils third nicht gerade ein Erfolg ist hinsichtlich Reviews und Verkaufszahlen sollte mittlerweile jeder gemerkt haben. Nun hat sich aber Schöpfer Tomonobu Itagaki geäussert.

Hey guys,

Thank you for playing our Devil’s Third.

I believe that those of you who actually have the game in your hands are more than satisfied with how interesting and fun the game is.

Unfortunately the scores we’ve been receiving in Europe are pretty awful.
Some of the criticism we’re getting is constructive and fair – I can accept that.
But in general, I’m going to guess that most of the people reviewing the game weren’t given a chance to evaluate it properly.

Just as one example, we designed the online multiplayer mode to be enjoyed together with tons of people, but it seems dozens of reviewers were only allowed to try the game in a closed environment.

That’s extremely unfortunate for everyone involved. As you can imagine, no one can effectively evaluate the playability of multiplayer games under these conditions.

For me though, I value the feedback you guys can offer much more.
Please enjoy the game for yourselves.
After that, let me know everything about what you’re thinking, so that we can make a better future.

Gamers, let’s build a future together
Thanks as always.

Tomonobu Itagaki

Seiner Meinung nach wurden die Online Modi nicht Fair bewertet aber er akzeptiert faire Reviews.

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